Niki Spears

Niki Spears

Niki Spears is an Author, Expert Eduprenuer, and Chief Culture Cre8or who is traveling the country helping educators embrace a healthy, vibrant, and inspirational mindset.

She understands how one person's energy can impact an entire team and is leading the charge to help others become aware of how they are showing up at work and in life!

Niki left her job as a school principal in July 2016 and since then has empowered more than 100,000 students and educators across the country through her motivational books, talks, and seminars. Niki's book, The Beauty Underneath the Struggle ~ Creating Your B.U.S. Story reinforces her message of seeing the opportunity in every challenge and encourages readers to take ownership of the pencil of life so that they can create their masterpiece.

Thousands of educators and school leaders have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and transformational power of Niki's self-development events.